【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/Company 】
張勻甄 CHANG Yun-Chen
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
Tangled up in thoughts and emotions that are hard to express, alone at night, she comforts herself with gentle touch and sinks into her dreams. Between the waking state and sleep, she dives into the fantastic and intimate time-space where she encounters her trauma, desire, fear and fantasy by chance.
The dream is a “real” time-space interwoven with memories, where the body enters the circuit of multiple time-space, surrounded by multiple worlds. The memory has no ideal final form to achieve. Instead of being attached to a certain timeline, it is spreading towards unlimited diversities. The real time-space of dreams interweaves, transforms and montages memories, and disappears like the fog drifting away with the rising sun.
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
編舞兼表演/ Choreography and performance: :張勻甄 CHANG, Yun-Chen
燈光設計/ Lightscape:李晉杰 Jason LEE

She and Her Dreams of All Hues

CHANG, Yun-Chen
畢業於國立台灣大學外國語文學系,自由藝術工作者,目前致力於創作。2019年演出壞鞋子舞蹈劇場作品【大肚王朝】,並與Zito Tseng共同創作【藥酒%%%身體計畫】之錄像作品及行為表演。2018於巴黎龐畢度中心Move Festival演出Liz Magic Laser作品【Handle/poignée】,亦於Entrez Dans La Dance Festival演出Claude Brumachon作品【Le Festin】精選片段。2014 - 2015年參與無垢舞蹈劇場【觀】、【花神祭】等演出。2013 - 2014年演出梵體劇場和日本好善社合作之作品【我心追憶:聊齋誌異之世界】及【花非花‧南海版】。
Chang Yun-Chen is a contemporary dancer and choreographer. She currently dances with Bare feet Dance Theatre and creates some solo or group dance projects. Embracing contemporary dance, butoh, theatrical and somatic practice, she danced at Legend Lin Dance Theatre during 2014 to 2016, and collaborated with several butoh artists, including Yukio Waguri and Wu Wen-Tsui. In 2018, she collaborated with Liz Magic Laser, an American visual artist, in "Handle/Poignée" as part of the Move Festival of the Pompidou Centre in Paris. In the same year, she also danced in Claude Brumachon’s repertoire “Le Festin.”

演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:20 Mins
4/26(五) 21:30
D 艋舺龍山文創B2-曉劇場
D Monga-Longshan Cultural & Creative B2
Shinehouse Theatre
4/28(日) 18:00