【艋舺在一起】Be Together 創作不停歇
【公告】2020艋舺國際舞蹈節 因疫情停辦說明
策展人 鍾伯淵 及 曉劇場團隊
【Announcement】Cancellation of 2020 Want to Dance Festival
Dear all,
We are here sorry to announce that 2020 Want to Dance Festival has to be canceled due to the current pandemic. In the past months, we have tried our best to work it out; however, while the epidemic goes severer and severer, this week Taiwan Centers for Disease Control has announced a much more strict rule administering group activities, and some of our venues have decided to turn down all of their reservations under the circumstance.
In this unprecedented situation, where the health and safety of our audiences, participants, colleagues, and our local neighborhoods is our main priority, our curators decide to cancel this year’s Festival with heavy hearts and great regrets.
We are truly grateful to all of you for standing with us and kindly supporting us. We are always trying to bring great works and fantastic ideas to the public through our platform, so we are now in the process of discussing with the participating artists and looking for any other possibility to bring our wonderful performances to you. We are looking forward to meeting you soon in the near future. Stay tuned.
Please take care and keep strong.
Best wishes,
Chung Po-Yuan / Curator
and Shinehouse Theatre