Want to Dance Festival is a dance exchange platform for independent choreographers. Using several alternative styled theater spaces, which are located in Monga, the earliest development in Taipei, a dance marathon with a lively, experimental and adventurous spirit was launched, inviting everyone to dance to the Monga groove.
2019 was the very first Want to Dance Festival, we have invited 30 choreographers, dancers and dance groups from Taiwan and other countries to join our festival. There were about 60 dance programs within 3 days in the festival. Over 3000 participants gathered in Monga to enjoy 2019 Want to Dance Festival. 2020 Want to Dance Festival will be curated by the Artistic Director of Shinehouse Theatre, Po-Yuan Chung, and the Dramaturg of National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts-Weiwuying, Yi-Wei Keng. They are also the curators of 2019 Want to Dance Festival. 2020 Want to Dance Festival will follow the theme of “Progressive”, collecting experimental dance and physical theater works. Each program must set-up, perform and strike within 2 hours. To make the audience must follow the show throughout different places in Monga.
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