We are all a group of people who live on this circle, running every day without sleep, until the day we die.
【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/ Company 】
黃柏嘉 Bo-Jia HUANG
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
圓,從起點一直到終點其實是一個不段循環沒有終點的東西,跟這次以「未完成」為題的作品方向,有著相似之處,所以會以圓為基礎來探討關係、動作、空間等等的改變,但同時也意味著人生的跑道,現在的我們也正朝著那個「未完成」的夢想而持續前進。 這次的創作來源主要是連結到小時候與操場很有緣份,他似乎代表了我童年的樣子。因為小時候是田徑隊的關係,如果用體育活動融合進一些舞蹈元素感覺是件很有趣的事情。但對我來說這些我們一直存在的夢想會有多久的時間才能達成,這似乎是個很難被得知的事情。
The circle, from the starting point to the end point, is actually a thing that has no end of the cycle. It has similarities with the direction of the work with the title of "unfinished", so it will explore the relationship, movement, and space change based on the circle. But at the same time it also means the runway of life, and now we are continuing to move towards the dream of "unfinished". The source of this creation is mainly to link to the playground and to have a good relationship with the playground. It seems to represent the way I was in my childhood. Because I was a track and field team when I was a child, it would be interesting to integrate some dance elements with sports activities. But for me, how long it will take for these dreams that we have always existed to reach, which seems to be a very difficult thing to know.
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
羅珮慈 Pei-Tzu LO、黃柏嘉 Bo-Jia HUANG

Huang, Bo-Jia
黃柏嘉1999年出生於台灣,高雄人,目前就讀台灣藝術大學,畢業於高雄市左營高中舞蹈班、苓雅國中舞蹈班。且也參加國內外一些編舞家的作品,2018年獲得了美國舞蹈節的獎學金。並與Saar Harari一起開始了GAGA技術培訓。2017年以來,開始嘗試創作。
Bo Jia Huang was born in Taiwan in 1999, trained at National Taiwan University of Arts and graduated from Kaohsiung Municipal Tsoying Senior High School. He joined Hsin-Yu Kao’s project 2016 at Danse élargie and went to World Dance Alliance in Korea. He also joined Scott Ewen and Hsin-i Huang's project at International Young Choreographers Project in Taiwan. In 2018 he received a scholarship to the American Dance Festival in 2018. Joined Dafi Altabeb's project and started GAGA technique training with Saar Harari . He has created and performed his own pieces since 2017.
演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:10 Mins 30 Seconds
4/28(日) 14:00
U 華江整宅天橋
U Huajiang House Overpass
4/28(日) 15:30
U 華江整宅天橋
U Huajiang House Overpass