【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/ Company 】
白顏毓 Pai, Yen-Yu
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
We be on the new page, we be skipping over it.
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
呂孟慈(Lu, Meng-Tzu)、劉玟齊(Liu, Wen-Chi)、趙芝樂(Chao, Chih-Le)、吳承恩(Wu, Cheng-En)

Pai, Yen-Yu
⽩顏毓,就讀臺灣藝術大學舞蹈學系日間部,2016年於Singapore Cheng Ballet Academy 10th Anniversary擔任舞者,同年參與Danse élargie in South Korea演出高辛毓作品《An Inscrutable Man》,2018年於臺北藝穗節舞蹈類別製作「親愛的寂」編創作品《沒有的地⽅》,2019年年演出高雄城市芭蕾舞團「點⼦鞋」謝佩珊作品《X關係》。
Yen-Yu,Pai, currently studying in National Taiwan University of Art, Department of Dance.
Had participated in Singapore Cheng Ballet Academy 10th Anniversary acted as dancer in 2016 and been in Hisn-Yu, Kao’s dancing composition 《An Inscrutable Man》in Danse élargie in South Korea in the same year, Had choreographed《No-Place》in Taipei Fringe Festival and performed as dancer in《X-Relationship》, choreographed by Pei-Shan, Hsieh, in production DANCE SHOE with Kaohsiung City Ballet in 2019.
演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:10 Mins
4/26(五) 20:30
C 糖廍文化園區A倉
C Suger Refinary Cultural Park Warehouse A
4/28(日) 15:30