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【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/ Company 】
Maya Dance Theatre (Singapore)
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
The new explorative work in-progress deals with the concept of body-image. A concept that brings with it the societal expectation for people to develop a ‘perfect body’.
Through our research we strive to enquire and find the extent to which one will go to achieve the perceived ideal physical state, or is it merely a question of the state of mind? We wonder while traversing this path, if there's a place for the soul - devoid of the body it is contained in?
Will this pursuit unsettle our inner peace as we voluntarily subject ourselves to personal discomfort and the ridicule of people around us!
When the body decays, do we risk losing our soul!
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
Imran Manaff

Maya Dance Theatre
Maya Dance Theatre
Maya Dance Theatre (MDT) from Singapore established in 2007 as a non-profit professional dance theatre company that address social issues in the society. With a unique signature brand of expression that preserves the ethos of Asian Dance while seamlessly melding it with a contemporary aesthetic, MDT creates inter-disciplinary works and embarks on bold explorations and collaborations with partners whose artistry and practice enable them to transcend boundaries beyond form and bring focus to societal issues.
Maya Dance Theatre received SEED Grant from National Arts Council, Singapore from 2012-2015 and is a citizen ambassador of Singapore International Foundation (SIF).

演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:20 Mins
4/26(五) 21:30
B 曉地方藝文空間3樓
B Shinehouse Art Space 3F
4/27(六) 17:30
B 曉地方藝文空間3樓
B Shinehouse Art Space 3F
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