【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/Company 】
鳥組人演劇團 Wing Troupe
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
Once upon a time, there were princesses and a princes encountering each other on the bridege. They had to overcome several trials such as escaping from a tower, breaking the cold glass coffin, leaving a shoe, growing the white wings. After all, they expected to break the curse by a true love kiss……
Found in 2012, Wing Troupe won 2013 Taipei Fringe Best Space Award and 2014 Taipei Fringe Awards Yong Zhen Award. This time, Wing Troupe present a lovely dance piece “Once upon a Time on the Bridge’. Unlike those fairy tales you had ever heard, this time, the princess was not the one who was always waiting for a prince appearing to rescue her life. Princess could save her prince on her own, or she could be a prince by herself.
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
鳥組人演劇團/ Wing Troupe
藝術總監/Artisc Director:程阿介 A Jie, Cheng
編舞/Choreography:程阿介 A Jie ,Cheng、丹鈴 Ling, Dan
首席男女主角/Leading Cast:程阿介 A Jie ,Cheng、丹鈴 Ling, Dan

Once Upon a Time on the Bridge

Wing Troupe
Found in 2012, 2013 Taipei Fringe Best Space Award and 2014 Taipei Fringe Awards Yong Zhen Award winner. We embrace a huge passion toward the style of Takarazuka. The show explores issue of love and dreams.
演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:25 Mins
4/27(六) 17:30
U 華江整宅天橋
U Huajiang House Overpass
4/28(日) 16:30