I know that nothing is what I know.
【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/ Company 】
林憶圻 LIN, Yi-Chi
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
Welcome to join, then give me your time. I know that nothing is what I know. Those who live, move, breathe, touch, watch, listen, decide a moment that belongs to us, and also become a guest of each other.
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
林憶圻 LIN, Yi-Chi

Lin, Yi Chi
Born in 1990, graduated from the performance M.F.A program, dance institute of Taipei National University of the Arts. Current dancer at “Ku and Dancers” and freelance dancer. Follow the possibility of the body in the interpretation, and find that it can’t separate from the connection between people, objects, time and space in life. Therefore, it become the materials in performance and choreography. Lin’s piece “Mourn” and “Invation” cooperated with installation. In 2018, Lin’s piece “Distance” created in Sun-Shier Dance theatre’s salon and won S-An Cultural Foundation Arts award.
演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:20 Mins
4/27(六) 20:00
A 曉地方藝文空間2樓
A Shinehouse Art Space 2F
4/28(日) 16:00