《灰色片段 》
Gray Fragment
【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/ Company 】
劉俊德 Liu, Jun-De
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
As the saying goes, "Life is like a play." I feel very appropriate. In the beginning of the scene, there is a drama code. I often feel that life is like a combination of fragments, and the material for constructing these fragments is memory, the memory of the mind, the memory of the body, and the inertia are all ones that allow me to continue.
Gray, under the understanding of most people, is a blurry zone between black and white; it is the best vocabulary for me to describe the fragments of life. There are so many standards and data that can be measured in the age of scientific development, but I often remind myself that I can't forget things that cannot be measured, such as feelings, love, art, and so on.
Therefore, "Gray Fragment" is a flexible dance. The meaning of the work itself is not so important to me. I care more about the viewers, how to create dialogue and communication.
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
Choreographer: Liu, Jun-De
Dancer: Liu Jun-De, Xue You-Kai, Yu Min-Ting
Stage supervision: Wang Yi-Wen
Liu, Jun-De
JUN-DE LIU, Kaohsiung, professional student, freelance artist, work related to performing arts, performing art critic, illustrator. High school learning stage play, the university has studied acrobatics for a year and a half, and is now a dance student.
Produced by JUN-DE LIU, initiated by JUN-DE LIU, through each creation, looking for different partners to cooperate. JUN-DE LIU's creation itself is inspired by life and everyday feelings, and it is expected that the works and performances will be closer to life and more organic.

演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:20 Mins
4/27(六) 16:00
D 艋舺龍山文創B2-曉劇場
D Monga-Longshan Cultural & Creative B2
Shinehouse Theatre
4/28(日) 13:30