【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/Company 】
莫穎詩@形藝祭 Vinci,Mok@MovingArts。HongKong
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
"Death Mirror Chants" -
Vinci Mok’s choreographed Land/Scape Butoh Dance Theatre collaboration with Taiwanese performers
Wandering into the death mirror, life will become more brave? Or less consider ?or more unscrupulous? or close ? or more honest? or hidden with the most weakness and helpless of the one that cannot being more naked? Surrounding by the neon lamb and incense smoke at Wanhua district and Longshan Temple, noise scurrying with the drifts, erotic, desire, obsess, hope, abandon in the low-ended rolling tunnel. Death now preparing to call another new life reborn, a white beam swaying in and out of the door frame, peels from the wall corner reflects the twisted shadow of a hanging white face. High heels knocking on the uneven notch on the ditch cover, broken clothes rest on the treasure with the drunk smell in a silent night.
* Please be inform that audience will be placed for a special silent sight line.
* The performance contains nudity.
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
Featuring Butoh dancer: Vinci Mok Wing See
dance chorus :You, Ya Chu , Jade Wang , Sherry Ji
Creative Video : Lin Yu En
Special thanks : Acid House,Taipei

Death Mirror Chant

Vinci,Mok@Moving Artss。Hong Kong
形藝祭藝術總監。日本天然肉體詩人舞踏團成員。90年代尾於香港演藝學院唸戲劇,2008全面告別傳媒及電影美術工作,回歸舞台作藝術自由人。曾為多空間現代舞團二團表演者及主席。曾發動跨界別街頭即興藝術組織ART WAVE。常鼓勵無界、共融,突破禁忌常規,靠近基層與社群的表演實驗,近十年主戰地境舞踏的創作表演、活動策劃、大學表演或設計系/不同年齡層的教學,也同時游走於形體、民眾/當代劇場、現代舞、行為藝術、即興演唱等平台。曾多次獲邀到台、日、泰、韓、德、北京、馬來西亞、東/中歐、孟加拉、尼泊爾等地的舞踏祭、行為藝術節或小劇場協作計劃作交流演出或擔任指導。
Artistic Director of Moving Arts。Hong Kong. Member of Japan Physical Poets Butoh group. Dancer of Y-Space II Contemporary dance group in 2005-2007. After she totally quitted her full-time film & magazine jobs and made herself return to the stage as a freelance artist, she spend her main focus on performance creation/event curate/education for the Land/scape or site-specific Butoh dance in the recently 10 years. And at the same time, she also makes her another challenge for working on physical/people/contemporary theatre; Performance Art; Vocal live Impro. And she was invited to international festival/ exchange/collaboration for Butoh Dance /Performance Art/Small Alternative Theatre by many Asian or European Countries.
Encourage people to have more art experiment closer with the lower class and community with no boundary, more in one and taboo/comfort zone breaking will now be her mission for ART.

演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:30 Mins
4/27(六) 20:30
C 糖廍文化園區A倉
C Sugar Refinery Cultural Park Warehouse A
4/28(日) 19:30