Con Salball
【團隊或藝術家 Name of Artist/ Company 】
江婕希 Chiang, Chieh-Hsi/洪睿絃 Hung, Jui-Hsien
【節目介紹 Introduction of Project】
〈Con Saball〉Con在拉丁文中有共同、聯合的意思,而Saball是Salsa 與 ballroom dance 的結合,意思是當Salsa 遇見 ballroom dance,顧名思義即是一場國際標準舞與騷莎舞蹈交織的晚宴。
<Con Saball> "Con" comes from Latin and meaning "with" in English, and "Saball" is a combination of Salsa and Ballroom dance. As the name implies, it is a performance of international ballroom dance mingled Salsa dance.
The work tries to take a contemporary mind to communicate with the body elements of social dance, to expand a journey of physical exploration. Like peeling onions, look for the precious and beautiful "heart zone" in layers. And take a closer look at the connection and taste slight changes between “take and send” in our hands.
On weekend night, with the melodious melody of the cello lives accompaniment, come and conduct a subtle love affair with us!
【製作群/演出人員 Production Team/ Crew】
江婕希 Chiang, Chieh-Hsi/洪睿絃 Hung, Jui-Hsien

Chiang, Chieh-Hsi
2019年受邀Burapha University赴泰國參與2019音樂暨表演藝術節演出、微電影《包廂少女》編舞
2018年受邀參與Panpapanpalya Dance Congress Showcase 赴澳洲演出。
Chieh-Hsi, Chiang, a free dancer and choreographer. She studies in Taipei National University of the Arts, master of dance.
She holds certificate of Chinese Taipei DanceSport Federation Judge. Her contemporary work <Desire> was performed in “Panpapanpalya Dance Congress” showcases in Australia, 2018.

Hung, Jui-Hsien
2018年Dior VVIP晚會表演、台南市長就職典禮演出
Jui-Hsien, Hung, cellist and dancer, graduated from New York University, master of music. She is interpreter of the exam board of Royal School of Music.
Jui-Hsien is also a dancer. She holds certificate of International Dance Teacher’s Association and Aerobics and Fitness Association of America Mat science instructor.
4/26(五) 21:00
4/27(六) 20:00
4/28(日) 18:30
A 曉地方藝文空間2樓
A Shinehouse Art Space 2F
B 曉地方藝文空間3樓
B Shinehouse Art Space 3F
B 曉地方藝文空間3樓
B Shinehouse Art Space 3F
演出時間 Show Time
演出長度 Duration:15 Mins