Since ancient times, women have been susceptible to unequal treatment in familys and the workplaces, and have even been discriminated against or restricted. For example, the current term "mother bug" means that young mothers who cannot discipline their own young children in public.
This example points out that even in the modern age when the concept of gender equality has been popularized, people still severely criticize whether a female person achieves those "stereotype" expectations placed on women. Blindly accusing another individual who one doesn't really know is like using his own mind to tamper with the life story of others.
From the perspective of women, casting aside the "stereotype" impression and exploring how the role of "female" stands in this world are always our road ahead.
Dancer : Lu,CHIA-LU、Chen,En-Tong、Ho,Tzu-Wei、CHAN, PEI-HSUAN、CHEN,TING-YU
Lighting Designer : Lien, Ssu-Yun
+Creative Team
Lu Shao Ko
呂紹可,桃園人,就讀國立台北藝術大學舞蹈系貫五。近年來力至創作於表演,參與編創北北風創作平台第二屆【默狂】榮獲主任特別獎,創作作品【Tomorrow will save us】【後來的我】。參與演出北藝大舞蹈系先修第18屆先三畢製【以上皆是】,北藝大2019舞蹈學院初夏展演逆流【Noodle Dance】,2019藝穗節【她的故事-他的故事】,北藝大2019舞蹈學院歲末展演衡【Dissappearing Sounds】
Lu, ShaoKo, Resident of Taoyuan, Student of Taipei National University of Arts (TNUA), Department of Dance. He has devoted himself to the choreography and performing of dance. - participated in the choreography of [Silence] in the Second Beibei Creative Platform Show and won the Director's Special Award
- created the dance pieces of [Tomorrow will save us] and [Later I]. - performed in the following events: the 18th Graduate Show of the Department of Dance of TNUA: [All of the above] 2019's early summer show of TNUA: [Noodle Dance] 2019 Wheatear Festival: [Her story-his story] TNUA 2019 Dance Academy Year-end Exhibition: [Dissappearing Sounds]
時間地點 Time & Venue
10 mins
4/18 (Sat.) 18:00
Shinehouse Art Space 2F
4/19 (Sun.) 13:00