pc. 許育瑄
第216號公寓 × Casual Casual Casualty
Apt.216 × Casual Casual Casualty
而Casual Casual Casualty-雙人舞部分(由賴宇廣、黃湘庭所編創),則是兩個鮮明的角色在第216號公寓所發展的另一個故事線。
This piece was inspired by the experience of living in the same apartment with eight exchange students. These eight people were all from different countries. By living under the American culture,with freedom and security; they share their values of life with each other ,and the parts in them that aren’t accepted by the society.
I see the apartment as a metaphor of the sheltered container, the one that keeps people safe, but at the same time away from the world; and the people are representing the factors that are unacceptable to this society or even to themselves.
The duet-“Casual Casual Casualty” (Choreographed by 賴宇廣、黃湘庭), is one of the distinct storylines happened in the no.216 apartment.
+Creative Team
Dancer:Yu Guang Lai, Liang Zheng Xie, Chien yao Liao, Hsiang Ting Huang, Tzu Ying Lee,Yi Hsien Wang
Sound Operator: Yu Heng Chai
Photographer: Chen Liao
pc. 賴宇廣
Yu Hsuan Hsu

於Apt.216×Casual Casual Casualty與賴宇廣、黃湘庭合作。
2014- 就讀於國立臺北藝術大學。
2019 Fall於Purchase College, State University of New York交換。
2017,參與北藝大后生先修部第17屆結業呈現,出演 蔣齊-《青春之歌》、Leigh Warren-《Never mind the bindies》、張曉雄-《迷狂》
2018,參與舞躍大地出演 蔡佩如-《每次遇見的人群都有著股脈搏似的節奏聚聚散散我們會不會只是某種生物的細胞生死以我們無法辨別的節奏存活但我們的存在不過是個生命個體的犧牲品》
2018,參與北藝大舞蹈學院初夏展演《緘默之春》,出演 蘇淑-《出》
2018,參與北北風創作平台出演 蔡佩如-《失控的科技廢物》
2018,參與鬧熱關渡節 出演廖健堯-《If I lose it like a river》
2019,參與艋舺藝術節出演 廖健堯-《壓力》
2019,參與艋舺藝術節出演 莊博翔-《We are not human at all.》
2019,參與北藝大舞蹈學院年度展演《逆流》 出演蔡惠貞-《Sisyphus Life 》
2019,參與Purchase College, State University of New York秋季公演出演Joseph Hernandez-《UBIQUITOUS MENACE 》
《Apt.216×Casual Casual Casualty》is a collaboration with賴宇廣Yu Guang Lai、黃湘庭Hsiang Ting Huang.
2014- Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA)
時間地點 Time & Venue
20 mins
4/18 (Sat.) 18:00
Bopiliao Historic Block no.173-35
4/19 (Sun.) 18:30