pc. 楊康
拆解馬戲表演者的身體語彙 – 其一:與編舞家
Deconstructing the Physical Discourse of Circus Performers - No.1: In Cooperation with Choreographers
這個計畫裡,我,楊世豪,不再只有著重馬戲表演的技巧,與喧嘩,回歸身體的本 質。期待每一階段與不同的表演藝術工作者產生多種交流形式,
“Physical discourse of circus performers” is the base of this project. Examining the physical traits and highly-trained/challenged bodies of circus performers through the eyes of various performing arts creators and performers, we’re looking for the differences and similarities within our bodies compared with other performers when we perform without any assistive objects or equipment.
New and prominent dance artist Chang, Ko-Yang is invited to join this ongoing project. Based on our two different creative methods, we look to examine and understand the traits of our bodies by using the same physical expressions and external qualities such as physical performing forms, movements, and atmosphere.
In this project, I, Yang, Shih-Hao, will no longer focus only on the technique and cheering of circus performing, but trace back to the body nature. I look forward to having various forms of exchanges with different performing arts practitioners in every stage.
Back to nature, could it be the physical discourse in contemporary circus performing?
Back to nature, it’s also an approach to self-exploration.
楊世豪 / 創作者
張可揚 / 協同創作
高翊愷 / 陪伴創作、製作協力
陳大再 / 燈光設計、執行
劉子齊 / 音樂設計、執行
邱垂仁 / 影像紀錄
+Creative Team
Yang, Shih-Hao / Creator
Chang, Ko-Yang / Co-creator
Kao, Yi-Kai / Co-production
Chen, Ta-Tsan / Light
Liu, Zhu-Chi / Music
Chiou, Chuei-Jen / Video
pc. 朱偉祥
Yang Shih Hao
2011年接觸馬戲至今,從玩帽子雜耍開始,曾代表台灣站上瑞士Young Stage、古巴Circuba、德國Am Seepark Freiburg的國際舞台,15年開始接觸大環特技從劇場表演橫跨至街頭表演,近年亦陸續獲得台南街頭藝人大概冠軍及擔任日本靜岡世界杯街頭藝術節演出嘉賓,站上亞洲達人秀的舞台後知名度大開,接下來將致力於長篇馬戲作品的創作發展。
Since his first encounter with circus and starting with hat juggling, Yang, Shih-Hao has represented Taiwan and performed on international stages such as “Young Stage” in Switzerland, “Circuba” in Cuba and “Am Seepark Freiburg” in Germany. He began to practice cyr wheel in 2015 and extended his stage from theater performance to street performance. In recent years, he won the first prize in Tainan’s “National Buskers Competition” and was invited as the guest performer in DAIDOGEI World Cup in Shizuoka (Japan). After raising awareness in “Asia's Got Talents”, he now strives to develop and create longer and extensive circus pieces.
時間地點 Time & Venue
20 - 25 mins
4/18 (Sat.) 17:00
Bangka Park
4/19 (Sun.) 15:00